by Sally-Anne | Nov 6, 2022 | Home Food Canning, Water Bath Canners
When it comes to canning, there are 2 different methods to use, pressure canning and water bath canning. Traditionally, both were time-consuming as you had to be in the kitchen during the whole process. Modern electric water bath canners can be programmed for...
by Sally-Anne | May 6, 2022 | Canning Supplies, Home Food Canning
When I spoke to my friends about a canning machine they all asked if I was brewing my own beer! Now I know we have done a couple of articles recently about fermenting wine, but I am not ready just yet to make beer at home. So, what is this “canning...
by Sally-Anne | Feb 17, 2022 | Home Food Canning, Water Bath Canners
The best water bath canners for jams and jellies are a must-have in any kitchen. Not only are these preserves delicious, but they’re also nutritious too! And you’ll save money over time by making them yourself rather than buying store-bought canned ones...
by Sally-Anne | Oct 4, 2021 | Home Food Canning, Pressure Canners, Water Bath Canners
Emergencies can be devastating and disorienting, preparing for them requires skills and expertise. Water is one of the essential items to store in preparation for any emergency, and one of the safest ways to do this long-term is by canning water. No one will dispute...
by Sally-Anne | Sep 20, 2021 | Food Dehydrator, Food Smokers, Home Food Canning, Vacuum Sealers, Ways of preserving food
What is Food Processing? Different methods of food processing are used to change raw products into usable foods. They also allow food to be stored safely over different periods of time. This was traditionally very important. With no modern convenience stores,...
by Sally-Anne | Sep 16, 2021 | Canning Supplies, Home Food Canning
Before I started my home preserving journey, I had never heard of a can seamer. And to be honest, I don’t believe that most preservers would own one. However, they are very handy to have in the kitchen but range in price and capability. The manual can seamer or can...